On With the Show's
Flashback to Gold Coast Sun, Nov 27, 1991

Shirley Broun and Rolf Harris celebrating a world first for the Aussie entertainer who has designed the front cover of Miss Broun's First Birthday publication of Variety Today.
THE art of Rolf Harris, which normally commands five figure fees, will be available to the general public for just $3 early in the new year.
Mr Harris has designed the cover of Variety Today, a Gold Coast national magazine, which celebrates its first birthday on January 4.
"Rolf spent several hours doing drawings for the cover during last week's visit to the Coast," said Shirley Broun, Variety Today's publisher and managing editor.
She said Mr Harris' contribution would make the January issue a collector's item because it was the first magazine cover the Australian entertainer had ever designed. He did the cover as a personal favour for Miss Broun, who became a friend of the Harris family after interviewing him during a mid 70s assignment for the Gold Coast Sun, while working as a freelance journalist. "He was the first major star I ever interviewed," said Miss Broun.
The launch of the birthday issue of the magazine will also give members of the public a chance to meet the stars during a special birthday party, the date of which has still to be finalised. Stars like Frank Ifield and the Four Kinsmen's Graham Wilson, who are regular columnists in the publication are certain to attend, and invitations are being sent out to a host of others including Issi Dye, Greg Doolan and Col Joye. Entertainment will be provided by local showband, Shoo-be-doo.
Miss Broun said Variety Today was well on the way to achieving its ultimate aim of making people more aware of the valuable contribution of Australia's `live' variety performers, and the excellent venues available throughout the country. "We have subscribers in England, Europe, New Zealand and the USA, all helping to spread the word of the talent available in this country," she said.
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