`They're Gonna Get Ya' hits market

Wally the Worker, alias Johnny Holmes, release of pre-election song `They're Gonna Get Ya' has been so successful it is now on an album.
On With the Show's
Flashback to Variety Today 1993
WALLY the Worker (alias Johnny Holmes) has come up with a pre-election recording to which just about every Australian could relate. I must say, I had a giggle the first time I heard it and have since played it to a few friends who were equally amused.
Titled `They're Gonna Get Ya!', the single has now been picked up on the Dino Label and released on a full album, much to the delight of the man who has endeared himself to thousands of Midday Show views as the workers `little Aussie hero'.
The exceptional thing about this single is that it has encapsulated the very thoughts of the average Australians and expressed them in simple terms, backed by a catchy tune on `They're Gonna Get Ya!'. This is a credit to the song's composer, all-round Australian entertainer Carter Edwards.
Radio personality John Laws saw the merit in this single on first contact. And he is known for his exceptional ability in picking a winner.
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January 17, 2013
90's Flashback