Busy time for performers around the globe
But still they find time to keep in touch
A Letter to ON WITH THE SHOW readers from Australia's rock'n'roll legend JADE HURLEY

Rock'n'roll great Jade Hurley will be performing in Tamworth during the annual Country Music Awards.
GEE, the past three years or so have been a real `BUMMER'... two new knees and other complications (one of the lucky one's to still be here) that have seen me almost being a permanent resident at St Vincent's Hospital then Woronora Cemetery in Sydney ... but as they say `the show always goes on'.
I have used this `down' time to record not one but two new albums ... one Country and the other Rock 'n' Roll ... however with this Rock 'n' Roll album I have now included covers from the 70's, 80's and 90's.
So, look out because I have done a couple of shows to test that the old leg can still get up on the keyboard ... AND IT DOES! However, instead of flying up onto the keyboard and down again at about 90kph, it goes up and then I pray to God that it comes down again.
I hope everyone who reads my little "ditty" has a great Christmas ... and for all of us ... a FABULOUS AND ROCKIN' 2014. Take care and stay healthy.
February 20, 2014 at 2:29 am
I loved finding this site and reading Jade Hurley’s stories. My Mum was always a fan of his and when she fell pregnant with me, she decided to name me after him. She loved his name and was sure I was going to be a boy. But when I popped out I surprised her by being a girl! But she already had her heart set on the name so Mum still called me Jade.
I hope to one day meet the man I was named after, but until then, I will continue to enjoy reading his stories
Thanks Jade!
June 23, 2014 at 1:39 am
My partner and I had a great time when we went to see Jade perform at Twin Towns! He was very entertaining and quite funny. Jade seems like a very down to earth Aussie bloke making time to talk to every person that wanted to have a chat with him after the show, including me. Being named after Jade, it meant a lot to me to finally meet him after all these years. He is a really cool guy, thank you Jade!