WELCOME TO `On With the Show Entertainment’
and thank you for your interest in advertising with us.
Our website targets all who are either employed, follow, sell products and services to or are interested in the world of entertainment at all levels. This includes not only the professionals but also those who are training in areas such as dance, vocal, stage presentation, acting, music and so many aspects which make up this wonderful industry. We also target clubs and other major venues that provide the facilities for us to see these wonderful performers `live’. If this is your target for advertising then we invite you to Advertise your venue, talent, business, service, skills and more on our website.
Ask about our Story/Advertising package - Great value, for a limited time only! Great way to promote yourself, your show or products to an audience already interested in or a part of the industry. Advertise, be seen and benefit from our rapidly rising visitor numbers.
Currently all our 6 and 12 month advertising options are on special so please be quick to secure your position of choice. Conditions apply.
We offer:
• Premium Ad - 505 x 170 pixels (Only 5 Available): This appears adjacent to the `On With the Show' logo in the Masthead. Cost: $3000 for 12 months
• General Ad – 468 x 60 pixels: This can appear anywhere, such as at the end of a story. Cost: $250 for 6 months; $500 for 12 months
• Widget – 125 x 125 pixels: This appears in the side bar and may be rotating with other ads as more are added Cost: $100 for 6 months; $200 for 12 months
Advertising opportunities also available on:
Secure Payment via PayPal or Direct Bank Deposit
Advertising can be booked for 6 or 12 month terms.
Do you have a production show, club act or just want to make readers aware of your skills, achievements, services and products or you seek the services of someone in the industry … then this is the ideal website to advertise. Let us help you spread the word.
Here are 10 Top Reasons to advertise on this website:
• Advertise - Your latest show and let venues know you have something new available
• Advertise - To keep your name in front of potential bookers/agents/venues/casting agents
• Advertise – To alert your fan base that you have merchandise for sale
• Advertise – To advise patrons about the host of entertainment available at your venue
• Advertise – To keep bookers/agents/venues aware of your achievements with latest awards/publicity
• Advertise – To showcase your services such as `vocal, dance and music lessons’ to potential young performers seeking to better their skills and training
• Advertise – To showcase what you offer for audiences
• Advertise – To advise future performance dates and booking details and deadlines
• Advertise – To reach your target market
• Advertise – To drive more traffic to your own website
All Payments in advance to On With the Show or via Pay Pal.
NB: You do not have to be a member of Pay Pal to pay by Credit Card. They will simply process the payment for you.
Ads should be supplied in the above sizes in either jpg or png format.
Or, alternatively, we can arrange to have the ad designed (specific to your directions) at an additional cost.
• Payments are accepted via PayPal.com
• Please keep the size of your image file(s) low.
• On With the Show proprietor reserves the right to reject ads deemed to be unacceptable for this site.
• Prices may change at any time.
• Ads are non-refundable unless you contact On With the Show within 1 hour of placing your order.