Swing Central jazz it up at brunch
VENUE: Jupiter's Casino, Gold Coast
DATE: September 15, 2013
SWING Central was the icing on the cake for hundreds of guests who attended a special brunch set in the beautiful lush green gardens of Jupiter’s Casino on the Queensland Gold Coast on Sunday.
An outdoor vista warmed by a beautiful September sun, shaded by resort-style umbrellas both over the tables and as a temporary cover for the band, was the ideal setting to take in the relaxing tones of the group’s lead singer Brad Leaver.
Brad’s smooth delivery captured the attention of the appreciative audience who revelled in the classic sounds ranging from the 50s through to the present day. Smoother than Sinatra, cheekier than Dean Martin this modern day crooner was the ultimate showman.
It seemed his repertoire of golden oldies struck a familiar chord with most of the brunch diners, many of whom took the opportunity to shout out requests from the bygone era of music magic and Brad with his smoky smooth vocals was more than up to the challenge of delivering – whether rehearsed or not.
His professionalism was matched only by his exquisite backing band in the ever-smiling musical director Ian Macrae on piano, Paul Hudson on drums and Jack Thorncraft on double bass.
Their musical accompaniment was second to none and brought an exquisite finesse to every performance.
Brad tells me the group is kept busy on the corporate, convention and wedding circuit so it was a rare opportunity to see them performing live on Sunday.
For private gigs Brad is backed by either the piano, trio or a nine-piece big band led by Ian Macrae and together they present an unforgettable night of swing and bossa nova classics in a style befitting the fabulous forties and fifties.
So glad we caught their act!
September 17, 2013