2020 WAS SHAPING UP to be one of the busiest and biggest ever for Euroglider's Grace Knight with sold out concerts awaiting her across Australia ... then the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the bookings were suddenly disappeared overnight.
One can't help look back at some of the Euroglider's hits such as Heaven (Must Be There), We Will Together, Can't Wait to See You and even The City of Soul ... each of these titles could have easily reflected the current situation during this once in a lifetime pandemic ... And Grace is in the thick of it all in Melbourne's ongoing Stage 4 lockdown.
Grace, who rose to fame as an original member of the Eurogliders which formed in 1980, disbanded in 1989, reformed 2005-2007 and again in 2013 to the present day and also featured Bernie Lynch and Amanda Vincent, said her performance calendar was full of gigs for the band as well as solo shows for herself and special onstage collaborations with her good friend Wendy Matthews.
"COVID-19 certainly affected my career and ability to earn an income," said Grace from the confines of her home, located about an hour's drive from the heart of Melbourne.
"I'm really grateful the Government is helping us out a little but I'll be glad when I can earn real money again."
But, while the seasoned performer admits that Lockdown has seen her experience a couple of `down' days when she wondered, at 65 if the pandemic might put an end to her career forever she said that after a day lying on the couch and being uninspired by watching TV, she soon worked herself back into a positive `can-do' attitude and hasn't looked back.
In fact, Grace has achieved a great deal during her confinement.
"The good thing is I have had my partner here with me through the whole thing and that has really helped," said Grace.
Since her work stopped in March, Grace has dropped 20 kilos in weight and is a new woman.

Grace Knight - the fashion designer - in one of her latest outfits. The star has also lost 20 kilos during Lockdown. Photo supplied
"The first thing I did was to go on a diet and I actually stuck to it. None of my clothes or stage-wear fits me now so I have also been busy designing outfits, printing fabric and creating outrageous stage clothes in my studio. Do you know even my shoes don't fit me now.
"I'd love to drop another 500 grams so that my weight starts with 60-something," said Grace.
How did she do it? Well Grace said she followed Dr Michael Mosely's Fast 800 diet plan and it wasn't hard.
"It's based on the latest science in nutrition, intermittent fasting and lifestyle. I did it with my partner and that made it easier again. We weighed ourselves every morning and recorded each few grams we lost and being able to see the line from where we started and watching it falling every day kept us on track."
Grace admits previous diets had left her annoyed, angry and hungry and usually ended with her heading out to buy a bar of Lindt chocolate to commiserate.
"With the Fast 800 diet, the food was delicious. It took 4.5 months to drop the weight and I only had about 2 days when I wanted to eat the neighbour's children but had a drink of hot water instead," she quipped.
"I don't say it often but I am really pleased with the results. The only sad thing is that I can't go out and show off my beautiful new self and my new clothes."
Grace has also kept in touch with fans via Facebook.
"I started putting up old videos of my performances just to let them know I was thinking of them."
During the pandemic, Grace has endured a few challenges like going shopping. Easy for some but for the seasoned performer who admits to being a bit `over the top' with Work Health and Safety (WHS), it is a major ordeal.

Grace Knight with Bernie Lynch during a live performance on stage. All the clothes (except black top and including Bernie's trousers) were designed and made by Grace. Photo supplied
"When the Coronavirus first broke out, I would wear a painter's suit and goggles to the local supermarket. I masked up and slathered myself with hand gel, used wipes on the trolley and also on myself when I came out. I'd unload my shopping into clean bags, then sanitise my hands and credit cards before getting back into the car, removing my mask and wrapping it in sanitised hand towels ready for the trip home."
Grace said her obsession with Health and Safety was sparked by an incident in London's Madame Tussauds when she was about 15 years old.
"I was inside when a post box bomb went off. It was a hoax but we all went through the trauma that there was a real bomb there and everyone feared for their lives and raced to the fire exits which were locked. Eventually I was able to break the bar that allowed the door to open but then grown men pushed me out of the way in their panic to get out. I think that whole experience has made me over-cautious. I always need to know where the exit is, that it's not blocked and is easily accessible at all the gigs I do now. I drive people crazy but that's me."
While she admits to not liking the COVID experience with its 8pm curfew, 5km travelling limit and 1 hour a day exercise schedule, Grace says she is happy to follow the mandates and restrictions to help the community get through it quicker.
"I think about this almost every day when I go out for a walk. I see people not following the mandate and wonder what is the problem. Surgeons wear masks for hours every day. You need to put your mask on. All you are being asked is to follow a few guidelines.
"I constantly compare what is being asked of us and what was asked of our fathers and grandfathers in the wars. As hard as it is for some of us - I don't think what we are going through comes close to the sacrifices they made," she said.
As for her music, Grace is still regularly in touch with Sydney-based Bernie Lynch, founding member and music writer for the Eurogliders.
"We finished all our work in March when everything was cancelled. Some dates were rescheduled for October but have now also been cancelled as no-one wants Victorians in their State. We are now looking at 2021," she said.
"There are currently no new releases. I used to go to Bernie's studio and stay for a couple days to put down demos and work on new songs but this is something we have to do via Dropbox now."
Grace has chalked up 40 very successful years in the showbiz industry and is looking forward to getting back on stage in front of hundreds of fans at venues across the nation again in the not too distant future but says:
"The music industry were the first to lose their jobs and I suspect we will be the last to return.
"Whatever happens, we are all in this together. Some might be travelling a bit more luxuriously than others but we are in it together and our governments are doing their best."
September 6, 2020
Latest news, Music, Performing Arts