CAN YOU FEEL IT … The best of Motown Era
REVIEW: Jupiters Casino, Broadbeach, Qld
March 28, 2014
A FRIEND called me out of the blue last night and asked if I would like to see a new show at Jupiter’s Casino which started in less than an hour. Apparently she had an extra ticket as one of her party of show goers hadn’t been able to make it.

Can You Feel It - The Best of Motown Era production at Jupiters Theatre will be a hard act to follow!
As it happened I had nothing planned so I accepted immediately delighted they had thought to invite me. I didn’t know anything about the show and didn’t even ask what or who was featured. I was just in the mood to go out and enjoy a night out with friends.
I made it with only seconds to spare so we went into the beautiful Jupiter’s theatre without delay. Before too long a young vocalist and her guitarist walked casually onto centre stage. She introduced herself as Jade Louise and asked if we would mind her singing a few songs. That was the beginning of one of the best nights of entertainment I have ever seen at the venue.
Billed as `Can You Feel It … the best of Motown Era’ Jade’s performance took us all off guard as did the opening number of the main show when dynamic vocalist Kevin Keepa arrived backed by a 10-piece band to sing Nessun Dorma which was captivating.
“Wasn’t this supposed to be the music of Motown?” I heard someone whisper in the front row.
But let me assure you … the rest of this fabulous well-choreographed, energy-packed show was most assuredly MOTOWN at its best.
The five lead vocalists and five female vocalists took the audience through a memorable journey of hits recorded by some of Motown’s greatest performers … from Stevie Wonder, Boys are Us, The Supremes, The Pointer Sisters and Lionel Richie to Michael Jackson and everyone in between.
The cast danced and sang their way through two hours of hits without even stopping for a break… and as the hits kept coming the excitement in the seats continued to build. The guest DJ gave an on-air factual journey as the performers lit up the stage with songs and clever choreography.
How they kept up the pace was beyond me but they made it all look so easy and enjoyed every moment, as we did.
There was also an impromptu performance by 10-year-old Australia’s Got Talent finalist Dean Brady which should not be missed.
My answer to the question … `CAN YOU FEEL IT?’… is a definite `YES’. Thanks to all involved – from the producers and backers to the stars and musicians - who brought this fabulous production together for the enjoyment of all.
I don’t want to say too much in case I spoil it for those who are heading to see the show for its final performance tonight (March 29). However, be assured, if you like Motown you are are going to LOVE `CAN YOU FEEL IT’.
I, for one, would love to see a return season for this show at Jupiter’s. It has something for everyone and is presented in a highly entertaining and professional manner to appeal to a wide section of the theatre and music-loving public. A top act which will be hard to follow!
PS: I've seen three of the performers Kevin Keepa, Danny Faifai and Nuz Ngatai performing regularly at the Koi Dining and Lounge Bar Restaurant in Broadbeach ... just fabulous!
April 1, 2014 at 2:00 am
Hi Shirley,
Just read your review of CAN YOU FEEL IT.
Loved it and agree!
My sister and I went and we’ve been to quite a few over the years and reckon it’s the BEST we’ve ever seen.
The music, singing and dancing was unbelievable.
Have you sent your review into Jupiters?
From Robyn
April 1, 2014 at 2:58 am
Hi just want to comment on the show at Jupiters Casino Can You Feel It.Came to the coast from Caloundra for the weekend got tickets for the show had no idea what to expect ….had never heard of this group.WOW what a great night the atmosphere was amazing the talent OMG!.boy would love to see it again.